I went into Devon and Eli room to help Eli find something to wear. Devon had been straightening up the room for a while now and as I was helping Eli I could smell something. This was a smell of something dead. So I started cleaning and searching for the smell. I discovered that they had been placing dirt, wet clothing into the toy containers. They were also in every other spot they can fit or be shoved. So to get it all gathered I dumped the containers out and started to go through everything. Meanwhile Devon was at day camp. I knew he was going to be tired and was going to be a little bit of a stink when he got home.
Around 2 in the afternoon he came home to this mess. I had already moved his bed and shoved everything out from underneath it and started cleaning up the toys this was the last bin of toys to go through.
Devon came in and told me I had destroyed his room. I started laughing because he was telling me I had done this. I got up and said you get to clean it up. The picture at the top of the page is of him laying on his bed complaining and Eli trying to decide if he was going to help or also complain.

Then We vacuumed and cleaned the carpets it.
This in after picture of how much better it looked when we were all done.